Life coaching podcast for moms provides tips for daily life
Mom, the therapist is in the house!
A life coaching podcast for moms is blending life coaching and entertainment all while providing tips and strategies to improve our daily lives.
From the crossroads to the couch, Jamie Pyatt, shares the journey of bringing her life’s experiences to “The Davenport,” a podcast that blends therapy, life coaching and entertainment.
In Jamie’s words…
For most of us, there have been times when we come to an intersection in life and have been forced to make a life-altering decision. I arrived at those crossroads in my late twenties. I had just completed the arduous 18-month application process for the Drug Enforcement Agency. The DEA made me a job offer but, in the meantime, I had also started graduate school. All of these exciting opportunities were swirling around me, however, in the back of my mind I was unsure if this is what I really wanted because I had also started thinking about law school. Turns out, sometimes the best decision is to go boldly in a completely different direction. I decided to become a licensed clinical social worker instead.
There were moments in the beginning of my career when I questioned whether I had made the right choice, but every time I witness a mother and son bond during a rocky relationship, maneuver a loved one’s way through grief and loss, or help a couple value one another in ways that they haven’t experienced since early in their relationship, I know I made the right choice. I have worked as a child protective investigator and forensic interviewer for severely abused children, as well as adoption and clinical work with families.
After my daughter was born, I decided to open my private practice in Carlsbad. My family moved to San Elijo Hills, where we became close friends with the Balogh family and the Strang family. We would often joke about starting a podcast. Then COVID hit. We decided, why not? Guy Balogh, a professional life coach, and I decided that we had something unique to bring to the podcast world. Erin Balogh and Monica Strang work as our producers and editors. It has been such a fun project to work on and develop and to see it come to life!
The Davenport (AKA “couch” in Nebraskan) is a place where we hope people can sit and feel relaxed, comforted, enlightened and entertained. We want to give people the tools and insight that may be helpful in improving little aspects of their daily lives. You can hear our show wherever you listen to podcasts, or listen at www.TheDavenportPodcast.com. So come and take a seat with us. We would love to chat with you on The Davenport.
– Jamie Pyatt, LCSW